Fishing at Lake Martin, Alabama
Lake Martin is an infertile, clear water reservoir with a limited abundance of sportfish and baitfish, when compared to more fertile impoundments like those on the Coosa River. The upper region of the lake is the most fertile, especially around the Coley Creek and Elkahatchee Creek areas, while the Kowaliga Creek arm is the most infertile. Many anglers find it difficult to fish in Lake Martin due to the clarity of the water and the abundance of steep, rocky bluffs.
Lake Martin Fishing NewsPopular species sought by anglers include largemouth bass, spotted bass, striped bass, white bass, black crappie, channel catfish, channel catfish, flathead catfish, bluegill and redear sunfish. Due to infertility and thus limited baitfish abundance, competition among sportfish in Lake Martin is significant; therefore, the harvest of smaller fish is encouraged. If small fish abundance is reduced in impoundments such as Martin, the remaining fish are able to feed more efficiently due to a reduction in competition. It is illegal to possess more than two White Bass, Yellow Bass, Saltwater Striped Bass and hybrids or combinations that are over 16 inches in total length in the daily creel limit. FISHING CONDITIONS Lake Martin Water Level Lake Martin Weather Center Lake Martin Fishing Forum Moon Phase Calendar SAFETY Personal Flotation Devices Rules Of The Waterway |